Substantive Transparency in Education Act Exposed
The Substantive Transparency in Education Act was adopted by ALEC's Education and Workforce Development Task Force. According to, the Act was approved by the Board of Directors January 16, 2012. (Accessed on 9/1/2015).
ALEC Bill Text
The Substantive Transparency in Education Act requires each public school to make available to parents all current textbooks, curricula, instructional materials, and instructional programs for inspection by any parent or guardian of a child enrolled in that school.
Model Legislation
Section 1. {Definitions.} For the purposes of this Act:
(A) “Department” means the Department of Education.
(B) “Product” means an original, updated, or revised textbook, curriculum, instructional material, or instructional program.
Section 2.
A school of this State shall keep during regular business hours a set of products available in print for inspection for any parent or guardian of a child enrolled in that school. With respect to any digital product, a school shall instruct parents or guardians of children enrolled in the school how to access these materials and, if necessary, shall make a school computer available to parents or guardians for that purpose during regular business hours.
Section 3. {Severability clause.}
Section 4. {Repealer clause.}
Section 5. {Effective date.} This Act takes effect immediately.