Resolution to Retain State Authority over Hydraulic Fracturing Exposed
The Resolution to Retain State Authority over Hydraulic Fracturing was adopted by the ALEC Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force. According to, the Resolution was approved by the ALEC Board of Directors in 2009, re-approved by the Board of Directors on January 9, 2015. (Accessed on 6/29/2015).
ALEC Resolution Text
WHEREAS, Hydraulic fracturing is a proven technology with a long history of environmentally safe use in the completion of oil and gas wells; and
WHEREAS, The oil and gas producing States regulate hydraulic fracturing as a component of their regulatory problems for the drilling, completion, operation, and plugging of oil and gas wells; and
WHEREAS, The reservoirs that produce oil and gas are highly variable geologically and separated geographically across the oil and gas producing States such that State regulatory agencies are best suited by local expertise and experience to effectively regulate hydraulic fracturing; and
WHEREAS, State regulatory agencies are the most appropriate regulatory bodies to provide oversight and protection of hydrologically and environmentally sensitive localities as they relate to hydraulic fracturing; and
WHEREAS, The regulation of hydraulic fracturing under the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act would add burdensome and unnecessary regulatory requirements to the drilling and completion of oil and gas wells, thereby increasing costs of producing domestic natural gas resources without any ancillary benefit to public health, safety or the environment; and
WHEREAS, The increased cost of producing domestic natural gas resources will reduce domestic supplies of natural gas, increase utility prices, and other costs to consumers, reduce tax and royalty revenues for local, State, and federal governments; and increase the nation’s dependence on foreign energy imports; and
WHEREAS, The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) conducted a survey of oil and gas producing States, which found that there were no known cases of ground water contamination associated with hydraulic fracturing, and set forth its opposition to federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing under the underground injection control program in Resolution 09.011, dates January 7, 2009, “Urging Congress Not to Remove Exemption of Hydraulic Fracturing from Provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act;”; and
WHEREAS, the states’ public utility commissioners represented by The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners adopted a similar resolution in July 2009;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the American Legislative Exchange Council supports continued jurisdiction of the States to conserve and properly regulate oil and gas production in their unique geological and geographical circumstances.