Internet Free Speech Act

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Model Bill Info
Bill Title Internet Free Speech Act
Date Introduced December 4, 2024
Date Finalized December 31, 2024
Type Model Policy
Status Final
Task Forces Judiciary; Communications and Technology
Keywords Communications and Technology

Internet Free Speech Act

Where appropriate, amend the campaign finance law and, where necessary, the lobbying law to provide an exemption for the definition of “expenditure” or similar term as follows:

The term “expenditure” does not include:

any communications over the internet, except for disbursements for express advocacy communications placed or promoted for a fee on another person’s website, digital device, application, or advertising platform. A communication is promoted for a fee where a payment is made to a website, digital device, application, or advertising platform in order to increase the circulation, prominence, or availability of the communication on that website, digital device, application, or advertising platform.