Bills related to Guns, Prisons, Crime, and Immigration
ALEC Bills
- Juvenile Offender Performance Incentive Funding Act Exposed (HTML)
- The Provisional Licenses for Ex-Offenders Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A0 ALEC Conditional Early Release Bond Exposed (HTML)
- 7A1 Alternative Method of Court Appearances Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A3 Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A4 Bail Bond Expiration Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A5 Bail Forfeiture Notification Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A6 Bail Forfeiture Payments Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A7 Bail Forfeiture Relief and Remission Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A8 Bail Fugitive Recovery Persons Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A10 Citizens Right to Know - Pretrial Release Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A11 Crimes With Bail Restrictions Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A12 Uniform Bail Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B4 Mandatory Sentencing for Repeated Felony Theft From a Retail Store Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7C0 ALEC Resolution on DNA Testing Standards Exposed (HTML)
- 7C1 Community Corrections Performance Incentive Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7C2 Community Corrections Performance Measurement Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7C3 Recidivism Reduction Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7C4 Resolution in Support of H.O.P.E. Exposed (HTML)
- 7C5 Resolution in Support of Justice Reinvestment Exposed (HTML)
- 7C6 Resolution in Support of the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission Standards Exposed (HTML)
- 7C7 Swift and Certain Sanctions Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7E0 ALEC Model Legislation to Pursue and Control Child Predators Exposed (HTML)
- 7E5 Sexual Offenses Against Children Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7E7 Unlawful Release of a Minor's Identifying Information Exposed (HTML)
- 7F12 Treatment Center Accountability Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F14 Workplace Drug Testing Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7K1 Environmental Corrupt Organizations- Preventative Legislation and Neutralization Exposed (HTML)
- 7K13 The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act (AETA) Exposed (HTML)
- 7M3 DNA Profiling Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7M5 Resolution In Support Of The Second Chance Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7N2 Model State Bill Prohibiting Wireless Handsets in Prisons Exposed (HTML)
- 7Q2 Drunk Driving Prevention Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7Q3 Ignition Interlock Device Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7R1 Constitutional Amendment For Victim's Rights Exposed (HTML)
- 7R2 Victim and Witness Address Confidentiality Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7R3 Victim Impact Statement Act Exposed (HTML)
- Jury Patriotism Act Exposed (HTML)
ALEC Legacy Bills
- 7A2 Anti-Crime - Secured Release - Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7A9 Bailable Offenses Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B0 Affidavit of Mailing Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B1 Anti-Skimming Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B2 Bogus Receipts and Universal Product Codes Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B3 Establishing Jurisdiction For Online Sale of Stolen Property And Online Theft By Deception Act Exposed
- 7B5 Organized Retail Theft Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B6 The Responsible Scrap Metal Purchasing and Procurement Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B7 Theft From Three Separate Mercantile Establishments Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B8 Theft Using Emergency Exit to Avoid Apprehension or Detention Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B9 Unlawful Use of Theft Detection Shielding or Deactivating Devices Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7B10 Unused Property Market Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D0 Electronically Issued Warrants Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D1 Exclusionary Rule Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D2 Hearsay in Public Hearings Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D3 Insanity Defense Reform Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D4 Judicial Sentencing Disclosure Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D5 Mandatory Demand Reduction Assessment Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D6 Minimum-Mandatory Sentencing Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D7 Open Parole Hearings Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D8 Remote Video Court Appearances Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D9 Shock Incarceration Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D10 Third Theft Felony Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7D11 Truth in Sentencing Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7E1 An Act Concerning the Release of a Registered Sex Offender into the Community Exposed (HTML)
- 7E2 Child Abuse Investigation Reform Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7E3 GPS Tracking of Offenders Exposed (HTML)
- 7E4 Obscenity and Child Pornography Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7E6 Statute of Limitations for Offenses Against Children Act (HTML)
- 7F0 Criminal Justice Drug Testing Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F1 Drug Dealer Liability Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F2 Drug-Affected Infants Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F3 Drug-Free Housing Project Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F4 Drug-Free Post-Secondary Education Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F5 Drug-Free Schools Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F6 Drug-Free Workplace Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F7 Methamphetamine Reduction Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F8 Prescription Non-Narcotic Assured Access Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F9 Publication of Drug Offender Photographs Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F10 State Employee Drug-Free Workplace Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F11 Suspension of Professional Licenses Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7F13 Use of a Minor in Drug Operations Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7H0 Criminal Record Reporting Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7H1 Electronic Home Detection Act Exposed
- 7H2 Habitual Violent Offender Incarceration Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7H3 Intensive Probation Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7I0 Money Laundering Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7I1 Mortgage Fraud Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7I2 Resolution in Favor of Non-Bank Consumer Anti-Profiling Protection Exposed (HTML)
- 7J0 ALEC Resolution on McDonald vs. Chicago Exposed (HTML)
- 7J1 Campus Personal Protection Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7J2 Castle Doctrine Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7J3 Concealed Carry Outright Recognition Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7J4 Concealed Carry True Reciprocity Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7J5 Consistency in Firearms Regulation Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7J6 Criminal History Record Check for Firearm Sales Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7J7 Defense of Free Market and Public Safety Resolution Exposed (HTML)
- 7J8 Emergency Powers Firearm Owner Protection Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7J9 Resolution on Child Firearms Safety Exposed (HTML)
- 7J10 Resolution on Firearms Purchase Waiting Periods Exposed (HTML)
- 7J11 Resolution on Semicopy Exposed (HTML)
- 7J12 Resolution on the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Exposed (HTML)
- 7J13 Youth Firearm Safety Resolution Exposed (HTML)
- 7K0 Creation of Disaster Evacuation Efforts that Assist in Protecting the Most Vulnerable Exposed (HTML)
- 7K2 Fair and Legal Employment Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7K3 Immigration Law Enforcement Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7K4 Laser Safety Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7K5 No Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Immigrants Act Exposed (SB1070) (HTML)
- 7K6 Resolution Against Amnesty Exposed (HTML)
- 7K7 Resolution in Opposition to the REAL ID Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7K8 Resolution in Support of the USA PATRIOT Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7K9 Resolution on Fourteenth Amendment Exposed (HTML)
- 7K10 Resolution to Enforce Our Immigration Laws and Secure Our Border Exposed (HTML)
- 7K11 State Law to Abolish Human Trafficking Exposed (HTML)
- 7K12 Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7L0 Habitual Juvenile Offender Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7L1 Juvenile Identification Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7L2 Parental Accountability Act Exposed (HTML)
- Automatic Juvenile Waiver Act Exposed (HTML)
- Escape From a Juvenile Facility Act Exposed (HTML)
- Juvenile Boot Camp Act Exposed (HTML)
- Juvenile Rehabilitation and Release Act Exposed (HTML)
- Juvenile Use of a Dangerous Weapon Act Exposed (HTML)
- Optional Juvenile Waiver Act Exposed (HTML)
- Post-Waiver Juvenile Sentencing Act Exposed (HTML)
- Probate Court Juvenile Trial and Sentencing Act Exposed (HTML)
- Temporary Juvenile Detention Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7M1 Comprehensive Asset Forfeiture Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7M2 Disarming a Law Enforcement Officer Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7M4 Mandatory Sentencing for Repeated Felony Theft From a Retail Store Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7M6 School Violence Prevention Resolution Exposed (HTML)
- 7N0 Housing Out-of-State Prisoners in a Private Prison Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7N1 Inmate Labor Disclosure Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7N3 Prevention of Illegal Payments to Inmates Incentive Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7N4 Prison Industries Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7N5 Resolution on Prison Expenditures Exposed (HTML)
- 7N6 Targeted Contracting for Certain Correctional Facilities and Services Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7O0 Personal Information Security Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7P0 Underage Drinking House Parties Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7P1 Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7P2 Zero Tolerance for Underage Access Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7Q0 Anti-Automated Enforcement Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7Q1 Automobile Theft Prevention Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7Q4 Principles on Federally Mandated Blood Alcohol Levels (BAC) and Drunk Driving Sanctions Exposed (HTML)
- 7Q5 Suspension of Driving Privileges Act Exposed (HTML)
- 7R0 Anti-Stalking Act Exposed (HTML)
- Computer Information Piracy Act Exposed (HTML)
- Electronic Home Detention Act Exposed (HTML)
- Private Correctional Facilities Act Exposed (HTML)
- Click here for a zip file of Guns, Prisons, Crime, and Immigration bills
- Click here for more information on ALEC's disbanded Public Safety and Elections Task Force.
ALEC Exposed is a project of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). CMD does NOT accept donations from for-profit corporations or government agencies. More information about CMD is available here. You can reach CMD's Executive Director, Arn Pearson, via editor AT Privacy policy: Other than material you post to this wiki in your name, our privacy policy is that we will not disclose private personally identifiable information or data about you, such as your name, email address, or other information, unless required by law. On copyright: ALEC Exposed considers contributions to this wiki to be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License or in accordance with law. Information on how to provide us with notice regarding copyright is available at this link. Notices regarding copyright or other matters should be sent to our designated agent, Arn Pearson, via email (editor AT |